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A loveletter to our dogs...

We can learn a lot from our dogs.

They teach us to appreciate the little things in life and to live each day to its fullest.

They teach us to seize every moment and to follow our hearts.

They don't care whether we're rich or poor.

They don’t care about our look or fancy stuff.

Dogs don't hate, judge nor would they ever discriminate.

Give a dog your heart and he will give you his.

They ask for so little, but deserve so much. Dogs come into our lives to stay.

They would never question this.

They always have that special expression in their eyes, when we come back home.

They love us. They love us until the end of their lives.

They give us their absolute all. Unconditionally.

They deserve not less than pure love, and that’s what we should try to show them every day.

Not only on Valentine’s day.

Each day is Valentine’s day with the Prunkhund office pack

left to right back row - Gipsy, Otto, Paula, Cheeta

left to right front row - Heidi, Wilma, Rudi

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